Do You Make Your Own Tools?

Layout Tools: 2 Panel Gauges, Scratch Awl, Dovetail Marker, Miter Paring Block, Center Finder, End Mill
Whaddaya know maybe I like making tools after all. Like most of us I started small by making a handle here and there, stepped up to a marking gauge or square, then started making precision tools from a kit like my bow saw.
Finally, I completed my 2 resaw frame saws by partnering with a blacksmith and saw maker. I have yet to make a plane, but I have a few books on it and even an extra Hock blade ready when the time comes. I honestly think the reason this hasn’t happened yet is that I don’t need another plane. I needed a bow saw, scratch stock, panel gauge, frame saw, scratch awl, paring chisel handle, etc. while I was working on a project. So I guess my original statement is true: I would rather build furniture. But when the need arises, a tool building detour is fun.
Of course let’s not forget some of the most important tools in my shop: workbenches, bench hooks, shooting boards, birds mouth fixture, saw vise, etc. Dang as I stand in the shop and look around, I can’t look anywhere without seeing a tool that I have made myself. Now how did that happen?
How About You?
Do you make your own tools? What tool do you want to make most? Please share your thoughts in the comment below.