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Toothing Planes: High Angle and Low Angle

The Anthony Hay blog inspired this little video.  I wanted to take a moment to pull out my two types of toothing planes and show what they can do and how they differ in application and the type of cut they make.


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Very good overview of using toothed blades, Shannon! I was particularly interested to find out the differences between the modern and vintage planes. Great info – thanks!

Mark Rhodes

Good video, I’ve been using a wooden toothing plane for many years, mainly for preparing my grounds before hammer veneering, but occasionally for difficult timbers too. My grandfather showed me how to use one, and I used to get some old fashioned looks from the other apprentices. Until they saw my table tops with the lack of tear-out on them.

Julio Alonso Diaz

Good to see your vids Shannon, I have to be grateful you are so generous to share your knowledge
This was a great demonstration to show how those toothed blades work depending on the effective pitch and the size of the plane
Nowadays I wrote something about interlocked grain woods in my blog because of I´m making tools with exotic woods and someone asked me for


    I should say the same to you Julio. You have some great stuff on the net as well and thanks for sharing.


I noticed that you set your planes down on the cutting blade side or bottom. I was taught in a woodworking class in the mid 60’s to never set a plane down on its side as it tends to dull the blade, so I have always laid them on their side. was I taught wrong?


    I can’t say it is wrong, but I think this is one of those myths of woodworking. I would rather the blade be down on my bench instead of out where it can cut something, namely me. If you are worried about the wood of your benchtop dulling your irons then why would you use the planes to cut wood in the first place. Sharpening is fun, don’t fear it.


Great video I was completely unaware of toothing planes until I saw your video. And even though you said Dickens it was a great show. Very interesting another day when I learnt something new about woodworking.

Cheers from the land downunder!