The Roubo Saga: Start Here!!!
In deciding which bench to build and then later deciding what features to include on my Roubo, the Internet has been a phenomenal resource. If not for the ability to periodically check out The Schwarz’s blog at Lost Art Press and Woodworking Magazine, Joe Communale’s site at Big Wood Vise, and especially Jameel’s site at Khalaf Oud Luthiery, I think I would be lost under a pile of 8/4 Ash. My trusty project notebook is constantly at my side as I take notes before during and after a task. Unfortunately like many of you, my project notebook is particularly messy so I keep thinking about making a dedicated notebook for just this build. While I will probably still do that I keep thinking about how useful the above mentioned sites have been for me.
So starting here I will do my best to document everything, from epiphany to disaster on this site. I will mark everything with workbench tags and file them under the Roubo category. If you are thinking about making one of these benches then hopefully this will be helpful. If nothing else, once the bench is finished, I can lay atop it and lovingly peruse this blog like looking over child snapshots or vacation photos in a photo album.