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A Listener Finds Jesus (or his stool anyway)

15 years ago

I received this great email from a listener about a week ago and I had to share it with you all. Thanks for sending this to me Jason!

I found your podcast not too long ago and have been enjoying them immensely. I’ve slowly been going through them and found inspiration in one of your past episodes, 1st Century woodworking. I had some scrap 2×12 laying around as well as 4′ of 1″ dowell so I thought I’d hack together my own “Jesus stool.” I’ve been meaning to make a step stool for my kids. Attached is a picture of my hack job. I don’t have all the nifty tools you have so I improvised the “dowling” by paring away material with my little band saw and then sanding with my bench top disc/belt sander. I used some old “Old Mahagony” stain just to give it some color. I had this piece of 2×12 sitting around for about 8 years. Mine is a little different, a little wider and with 4 legs and a bit shorter. I hoarded all kinds of scrap lumber when my neighborhood was being built up and finally found a use for it! I had enough to make two, but screwed up the first one by drilling the compound angle from the top (one the second hole!) instead of the bottom. That was ok because I didn’t have enough leg material for two. Anyway, thanks for putting together a great podcast. Keep up the good work!
Jason Kanak

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