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Attention Hand Tool Gluttons!

Brown Tool Auction Wares

The Brown Tool Auction and Dealer Show is back and my bank account is very afraid! This is an awesome show with a seemingly endless supply of old tools in great condition. This is no ebay “try your luck” sale. While you can find some really beat up tools for a song, most of the stuff at the dealer show is top notch and really ready to work with a little honing of the sharp pointy bits. The show is in Harrisburg, PA so if you are at all in driving distance, make an attempt to get there. The dealer show is only on Friday from 1-5 and the auction is on Saturday. While the auction is amazing to look at, the stuff there is way too rich for my blood and I would be afraid to use those tools.

I’ll be there on Friday to see what trouble I can get in to so look me up if you get there. Just to whet the appetites, check out some of my iPhone footage from last year. You can also check out my post from last year’s show too.

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John Verreault (aka Johnny_Vee)

That is just evil putting that up when you know your audience…man, now I have to take a good look and see what I can (and probably can’t) afford. Geez Louise. LOL

Seriously, thanks for the heads-up, I never knew this auction existed.




    It was a good auction although I think the attendance was down from previous years. I struck out personally, but then again I have a lot of hand tools and the things I look for these days are pretty specific. I saw a lot of tools that the members of the Hand Tool School would have liked, but then again this isn’t always the show to go to for great deals as much of the tools are of collectible value. Still it was a great afternoon and I’ll be back next year.