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Just checked out the WIA 2011 class schedule (the one released today with the times and classrooms)– On the plus side there are a lot of great classes I can’t wait to attend. On the negative side there are a lot of great classes I can’t attend because I’m in another class. Do the PW folks have any plans to record the classes and offer them for viewing on their new on-line video subscription service? I think that would be a boon to both the folks that couldn’t be there, as well as, those like me that did.


    I brought this up with Christopher and Megan and we all agree it would be very difficult to pull off. For one, the minute you start selling something the quality must go up. Being able to capture good sound, lighting, and video would be touch in this kind of conference room setting without interfering with all the attendees in the audience. On the legal side, there are some limitations in the speaking contracts that each presenter signs that would cause problems too. So as an alternative, something that they want to try this year is to bring some of the presenters into their studio after the show and try to recreate the session to be played on the ShopCloss on Demand section of the site. This is all still in the early planning stages and nothing is confirmed yet. So don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work out or doesn’t show up until well after the conference is over. I only bring this us to illustrate that the PW staff does think about these things and your suggestions do not fall on deaf ears.


Thanks for following up – that makes sense. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the studio sessions work out.



Check out Iphone app Caster. I think this is what C.C. Chapman uses when recording some of his casts, IIRC. Seems to have publish settings that would let you insert into your rss stream. Free version limits recording to 3min, paid version ($9.99) is unlimited.

Keep up the great work!

(Aspiring Hand Tool Schooler.)