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Benefits of Being an Amateur Woodworker…

16 years ago

Technically, according to olympic rules (wouldn’t it be cool to have a woodworking olympics! Tangent thought for another time) the minute you sell some of your work, you are no longer an amateur and have moved into the realm of professional. So with that in mind, I guess I can’t call myself an amateur woodworker. However, selling my woodworking is not how I pay the mortgage and buy the GI Joe with the kung fu grip for the kids.

I have a very successful job in “the real world” that keeps my wife and I very happy and provided for. I have been selling quite a bit of my creations lately though and the primary benefit to that is that I get to reinvest the profits into my woodworking obsession.

So when I was recently comissioned to make a very special pen for a birthday gift, I was excited because the “my sold stuff” fund reached a very special number that I have been shooting for.

First things first, here is the latest creation hot off my lathe.

This is a PSI Sceptre kit with Ebony. I love the details on the top of the pen!

So what is it that I have been saving for that this recent sale will allow me to get? Check this out…

Phillip Edwards of Philly Planes just sent me this shot of my recently completed Skew Miter plane. OK, so maybe I was anticipating this last sale a little because I contacted Phillip back in early February about this order. As I write this, this beautiful plane is winging it’s way across the pond from merry ole England to my shop.

Expect a full report when I put it to work. I feel like I should make a better shooting board to go with this beaut of a plane!

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