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Chips ‘n Tips 7: Shaving Tight Fit

Win woodworking prizesSometimes I goof (heh, sometimes, okay a lot) and despite all the layout in the world, I get a joint that is just too loose. Fixing a loose joint is sometimes as much a part of woodworking as the actual cutting of the joinery in the first place. Today’s Chips ‘n Tips shows you that its no reason to panic, just sweep up the floor to find your fix.

Gramercy Dovetail SawThis episode’s prize winner is Bill Frarey. Bill chose a Gramercy Dovetail saw from the list of prizes and he is excited to learn how to hand cut dovetails with it. Congratulations Bill!

If you have already registered for the prize drawing, good luck next time. If not, visit my Chips ‘n Tips page to register to win tools, books, and DVDs. Of course I’m always open to hear your own tips. Drop me a line using the contact form (over there on the right side of your screen) and let me know what tips or tricks you have. If I pick yours, you win a prize too!

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I have used this technique to fix very loose tenons on a chair I inherited. I was not sure at the time it was an accepted way to fix joinery. I was only certain that wood filler and lots of glue were not the solution. The chair holds together nice a firmly now. It does not see very heavy use, basically holding clean clothes before I put them away.