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Completing the French Feet

I got to spend a lovely few minutes in the shop last night to finish up the shaping of the french feet for this Hepplewhite book case. When I last left off, I had just glued the mitered feet together but had yet to shape the outer compound curve. It is certainly possible to do this shaping before glue up, but I find that I can get a more consistent shape to saw it after the glue has dried. I do this at the bandsaw and you need a support block or jig to hold the bracket foot while sawing. These feet are pretty small so I grabbed a 2″ square block of scrap that was laying about and double stick taped the bracket to the block.

A few of these feet had some dried glue built up in the inside corner so I needed to clean that out so it would fit cleanly on the cutting guide. I need that to fit a glue block later anyway.

Now back to the bandsaw to begin the cutting. Like most compound forms, when you cut one face you remove the pattern marks on the opposing face and you must tape the fall off back on so you can follow the line.

With a mitered foot like this, you don’t need to worry about that and can use the grain and glue line to guide your second cut. Take a look at this picture and you can see what I mean.

The end grain stands out clearly from the face grain and makes a perfect pattern. Also notice how our extra time to orient the pattern with the grain has worked out. The grain lines flow perfectly with the curve of the foot.

So with the second face cut, it is time to shape and smooth them. I turned to a curved bottom spokeshave and a Japanese rasp for this work. The same cutting block that held the blank steady at the band saw is invaluable here as well.

It turns out I didn’t even use the rasp as the curve was gentle enough for the shave to do all the work. Once again that miter line we used as a guide to saw the second face is handy here to make sure you have a consistent curve on both faces. Continue to shape the face until you can no longer see the glue line. In the picture below you can see that I still have to take a little meat off the center of the curve.

Finally after the shaping is done I have 4 beautiful French Feet. I just need to add glue blocks to reinforce the miter and provide an attachment point to the bottom of the case.

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Larry Marshall

I’ve really enjoyed these posts, Shannon. And the results are fantastic. Love the way you worked the grain to enhance the shape. I also can’t help but notice that your “French legs”, when put together, resemble the base of the Eiffel Tower 🙂

Cheers — Larry

Mark Mazzo

Hey Shannon,

The feet are looking really nice. Great work with the grain orientation. I really like the elements of the Hepplewhite style. Sounds like this will be quite a nice bookcase.

Did you do a complete design (Sketchup or otherwise) or are you just pulling together Hepplewhite elements as you go?

Looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.

The Craftsman’s Path


    Great to hear from you Mark. The idea for this piece is right out of Hepplewhite’s design book. He has several chests that I really liked so I started from there and then made a story board on some plywood. I’m still pretty low tech in that area and I often like to make the full scale drawing for patterns and such.

Jeremy Kriewaldt


Those feet look lovely!

BTW could you give me some idea of the dimensions that you are proposing for the bookcase and so what the size and weight that will be resting on these feet will be?




    The case that sits on these will be 34″ wide and 29″ high. Not sure of the weight but it is designed to hold music binders filled with sheet music so not as much weight if you were to fill it with books but still a fair amount. The feet are reinforced with glue blocks and I will probably drill down the length of the miter and insert a dowel as a type of spline.

Dan (from the love of wood)

Hey Shannon,
Certainly your time taken in selecting the grain direction has paid off. Great job.