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RWW # 78 Contemporary Chest of Drawers Part 2 Dovetailin’

I know there are a lot of sources on how to cut your dovetails by hand, but I figured I would try to add my own to the mix. It seems as if we can’t get enough dovetails tutorials. I know when I was learning I looked at everything so here is another source from a relatively new dovetailer.

This week I add the dust frame and back panel to the chest carcase and then move on to dovetailing all 5 drawers. I hope you enjoy this episode and don’t hesitate to hit me with questions or suggestions on how I can improve.

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Larry Marshall

Great discussion of dovetail positioning. I’m curious about the Jeffrey Green (sp?) book you referred to. I haven’t seen this one but it sounds interesting. What is its exact title?

Cheers — Larry


    Jeffrey Greene is a cabinetmaker in RI who draws most of his inspiration from the Newport cabinetmakers, notably the Townsends and Goddards. His book is available still from a variety of sources, but I have added a link to his site where he recommends several books. His is the first one American Furniture of the 18th Century.

Bob Simmons

Shannon…Thanks for sharing the dovetailing video. Good job! Also, the link to Jeffrey Greene is definitely worthwhile. What a wonderful collection of work he has on his site.