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Design Building Blocks

I just returned from my annual pilgrimage down to Colonial Williamsburg. It is funny as I look over the pictures I took and as I compare them to photos taken from previous trips I am starting to see a shift in subject matter. In years past I took pictures of furniture I wanted to build. I took pictures of tradesmen at work and LOTS of pictures of tools. Today as I peruse my photos from this trip, I have many pictures of a small part of a piece of furniture but rarely the whole piece. I have pictures of architecture and lots of shots where I was admiring a line or shape. I even have some pictures of furniture that I hate. But overall I captured little snippets or building blocks of design.

It is safe to say that I have seen everything there is to see in Williamsburg, but it is a constant source of inspiration. And you don’t even have to like the time period or the style of the time. One thing that can be said about the 18th century is that they paid close attention to good design. Everywhere you look you will find attention to detail in the shape and line of something. Even the gardens have a proportional consideration to them. These are the building blocks of good design and it seems that these days, I’m more concerned with these elements than the entire piece or thought.

This is one influence that woodworking has had on me in a big way. I’m much more observant and find myself getting lost in little details and shapes everywhere I go. Some of these things will surface in a future design, and some will never see the light of day. These ideas will go into my mental encyclopedia and help define my understanding of what makes good design.

Oh and I didn’t come back with just ideas and inspiration either. I did grab a little booty from the Blacksmiths. First is a wrought hook to hang my TX Heritage shop apron, and next is a beefy bench dog/planing stop that will be the cornerstone of a workbench I plan to build this summer specifically for brand new woodworkers.bench dog and wrought hook

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John Kunstman

Hello Shannon,

I love the look of what I would call the double ogee raised panel. #9 in the pictures. I was wondering if you would be interested, willing to do a separate video on just this. It would not have to be the entire door, we have all done plenty of rails and stiles. and square raised panels. there are literally hundreds of videos on how to do these. However, there is nothing that would compare to a raised panel of this nature.

What I am hoping, asking for is a video that would offer tips and techniques to cut the ends of these panels and the matching rails.

Thank you



    you can be sure that is one inspiration that will come to life. Don’t know when, but it will happen.


I was mesmerized by the “no words for this” door when you posted it to instagram. WOW… I wanted to ask you how that was made. Was he top rail hand carved? Seems like there’s no way in hell you’d get a molding plane in those tight vertices.


    carving gouges and maybe a scratch stock, but you’re right no planes here. All carving.

Chris Hudson

Hi Shannon,

I always look forward to your RWW show on your visits to Williamsburg. We will get one this year too, right??

Since you have been there a number of times, how about including a bit of ‘travel advice’? Where you stayed that you liked, Restaurants you liked, any other ‘tips’ for woodworkers planning to go?


Mike Hudson

Shannon, Your statement “These are the building blocks of good design and it seems that these days, I’m more concerned with these elements than the entire piece or thought” got my attention. I can completely identify with that.

Three years ago, we were in St. Petersburg, Russia, at the Hermitage Museum and, while everyone else was taking pictures of the rooms and the gold leaf on the walls, I was busy snapping pictures of furniture and chair details, and even the wooden floors, which were works of art themselves. I was sketching furniture designs on the plane home!

If your design inspiration has come to a stop, go visit a few museums, look for the proportions, details and curves in all of the exhibits (not just the furniture) and take photos (if allowed) or sketch them. Your imagination will get a real kick-start.