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RWW 43: TSDC Desk Organizer Finale

This week is the final installment of my desk organizer for The Sawdust Chronicles 30 Day Build Challenge. The judges results are in and your truly won 1st place in the amateur category. I am excited about this because I never win anything. 3 years of sitting in the schwag pile at Matt’s Basement Workshop and I haven’t won a thing!

This was a fun project for me and hopefully a turning point. I haven’t built a lot of designs directly out of my head. At most I can say that I embellished something I saw somewhere else. So with that being said I want to thank the judges over at TSDC for this opportunity to get outside of my woodworking box. I also want to thank the academy, my mom, my wife, and of course God. I remember when I was a young and naive woodworker trying to get by…

(Cue commercial music, ring the gong, and enter crook from stage right)

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Ken F

That’s Beautiful, enjoyed watching the build.
And it goes great with your red stapler.


Hi Shannon………what a great 30 day design ride you just had.

Lots to hear and see in your episode. More importantly though, doesn’t it feel good finding your own form, especially when you find one that works.

When you tied up the 3 episodes, the comment you made about trying and learning new techniques that can be applied to future projects is what its all about.

It’s funny how everybody believes that you have to build a big 18th century something and here you’ve proven you can turn the corner in 30 days.

Wonderful watching you search for a form.


Beth Perry

“Nice job” on the desk organizer and congrats on your SDC win. Now all you need is a “nice job” to go with it…wishing the best of luck to you on your job hunt.