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RWW 133: S6S a Board by Hand

At work I was asked to clean up a piece of vertical grain Douglas Fir to be sent to a client as a sample. I know I have covered this before but I thought I would just turn on the camera and let it roll while I hand planed the board. Enjoy!

Thanks again to Tom Fidgen for the great musical accompaniment

I also have a much earlier video where I specifically focus on thicknessing stock by hand that you may find useful.

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Vic Hubbard

Excellent use of that burl! I’m sure all the ladies in the family will be happy and that, of course, translates to your happiness!

Chris Wong

Great video, Shannon. I noticed a small hole in the left side of your lathe’s tool rest. Does it have a purpose?

Also, being a hand plane afficianado, I thought you might like my last blog post:

Merry Christmas,


    Chris, to be honest I have no idea why that is there. I suppose it could be there to allow you to hang it on the wall when changing to a larger or curved rest.

Bill Akins

Excellant project. I’ll have to remember these for next year. I too made several pens, bracelets and a bandsaw box for presents. I really enjoyed the lathe work, I don’t get to see enough of the lathe and would like to see more.