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RWW 28: A Special Guest Apprentice: Beth Perry

A special guest visits the show this week. Beth Perry is in Gary Rogowski’s distance mastery program offered at the Northwest Woodworking Studio in Portland Oregon. She originally contacted me when she saw my sushi box build and was embarking on her own version as part of the program. We got to talking and decided to have her on the show to talk about what this program is like as well as her background. Beth has agreed to make a regular feature of this while she is in the program and I hope that many of you listening will have questions for her in the future.

Here is some of Beth’s unique remodeling work. Is it any wonder she decided to go a little deeper into woodworking?

Check out Gary Rogowski’s blog as our blog of the week. Gary has some great posts on design. Definately read his latest entry.

Gary also has some great videos on dovetailing over at the Fine Woodworking site, plus check out his 5 minute dovetail video as well. I have done a few of these and really should take up this practice as well because my hand cut dovetails could use some work. (Please note the above link is to the jump page for the FWW article and video extra. Membership in the online site is required so I inserted the link to the free page. Get a membership if you don’t already have one, it is worth it’s weight in ebony shavings)

You can also read about the 5 minute dovetail on Gary’s blog here.

Beth sent me a lot of photos on her visit to the sawmill as well as her first two projects. I have included some here but also set up a specific site on my Photobucket page and included all the photos there. Take a look.

Here is Beth’s mirror.

And her version of the Sushi box.

Here is the maestro showing his students how it’s done.

There are also some in progress build pictures as well as pictures of the rest of the classes designs on the Photobucket site.

Some sawmill pics too…

And since these pictures were taken in Oregon in January, why not a little seasonal material

A little chestnut roasting.

Lots more pictures on Photobucket, go check it out.

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Mark Mazzo


Nice work on the Tansu. I like the design.

Interesting…I usually chamfer the end grain first and hen go to the long grain so that any tearout is removed. However, as I think about it, it seems that both methods will work!

You did scare me a little when rebating the stopped groves for the back at the table saw. I’m a bit leery of small pieces like that with my hand so close to the blade – maybe hand tools or the router table with a hand screw/clamp to hold the piece as you move it past the cutter?

The Craftsman’s Path