I am the very Model of a Modern Anarchist Woodworker
I can’t help it, I like tools. Shiny ones, wooden ones, rusted and worn ones. As much as I cling to the dogma that few tools are necessary to build beautiful furniture, the niceties of saws in multiple pitches/rake/fleam, paring chisels in a myriad of sizes, and several smoothing planes set for different woods is too much to resist. I must say that my tool kit puts me at odds with my desire to minimalize. Maybe if I cut out more power tools I can still consider myself to be an Anarchist Woodworker.

A New Bevy of Long Paring Chisels from Josh Clark at Hyperkitten.com
Of course if I’m going to be an Anarchist Woodworker, then I simply must have a tool chest right?
…then I will need more tools to fill up the tool chest…
(sigh) OK twist my arm.