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I Break a Speed Record…

15 years ago

OK for a lot of my readers this will be no big deal. You know who you are, those people out there who whip out projects in a weekend or build whole pieces of furniture in just a few hours. I am not one of those woodworkers. I am slow and proud of it. I take great pride in my ability to stretch out a project until I am so tired of working on it that it just never gets completed!

You can imagine how concerned I was when a past customer called me to say that she was getting on a plane to France and needed another one of my Pagoda Boxes to give as a gift to someone. She has bought several of my box designs in the past and every time she did I happened to have one already made “in stock” so delivery was almost instananeous. This time…no dice. I told her I would do my best and at the outside be able to get it to her on Wednesday. I got into my shop at 4 PM yesterday and low and behold I was able to produce a box from scratch in 4.5 hours complete with 4 coats of lacquer.

I was stunned, but I guess I spend so much time multi-tasking that when I put my mind to one project it is surprising just how fast it came together. It probably helps that I have made over 30 of these too!

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Just watched you use the Worksharp followed by the Sharpton stones. I have to say that I was on the fence about the Worksharp as I use the scary sharp method myself. Now It has moved to the top of the wish list even replacing the thickness planer I want/need. As I said I use the scary sharp method but I follow it up with stropping with a 3 micron and 1 micron diamond paste on MDF. This extra step gives me a very polished edge.

I want your take on the micro bevel. I have heard people talk about the micro bevel but not so much as to why.

Looking froward to seeing the pen kit you will be giving away.



A microbevel will just speed up your next honing session. When I sharpened the new plane blade at the end of the episode, technically all I had to do was hit that microbevel a few times on the 1000 and 8000 grit stone, or even just on the 8000 stone and I would be done. This allows you to keep your stones out while working on a projects and as soon as it starts to dull you can take 30 seconds to rehone the edge and get back to work. The microbevel encourages you to never make do with a less than perfect edge. Thanks for listening and let me know if you have any further questions about the WorkSharp. I love mine and use it all the time!