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Letter Carving Point of View

During a Hand Tool School live session last night I decided to test out my new Looxcie HD camera.  I mounted it to a baseball cap and started doing some letter carving in Basswood.  I’m pretty happy with the footage though I’ll have to focus on keeping my head more still in the future.  Oh yeah and the letters came out pretty nicely too.

What do you think?  Has the time for woodworking point of view video finally come?

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Jonathan Szczepanski

Cool Shannon. Letter carving is something I want to try and learn so I can put my name in my toolchest. You might want to try putting a laser sight on the camera to help your aim. 🙂


Adam Weil

New camera is working great. looks good at 720 & full screen.
I know I’m being picky, but if you put it at the front of your hat instead of the side the pov would be perfect. But really that’s being really picky. This is a vast improvement anyway over trying to look over your shoulder.
Thanks much. And keep ’em coming!!


    That might interfere with my own line of sight. Then blood would ensue.


      just like Roy then


        I heard Roy pulled out a “helmet cam” at WIA. I never saw any of this footage. I think he was just broadcasting to the big screen rather than capturing it.

Stan P.

It’s good, I wouldn’t use it for all your shots, but for some of them it would be really good. I would also agree that center of the brim would probably give a better POV. To avoid the blood letting maybe mounting on the top of the brim would work. The laser pointer would be kind of distracting.