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Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event in Lancaster, PA

I’m sure many of your know that Lie-Nielsen has started doing smaller, more intimate shows. This year includes several more destinations and one of those happens to be about an hour north of me in Lancaster, PA. While I have been anticipating this show for some time, my excitement was heightened today when I received a postcard about the event on October24th and 25th at the Thaddeus Stevens College in Lancaster. This is where Steve Latta, Federal Furniture maker extrodinare teaches by the way.

So for those of my readers in the mid atlantic area who are interested, I will be at the show on Saturday and would love to say hello and shake a hand. If any of my readers in the area want to come out, please let me know and we can meet and share in some hand tool goodness.

Now if I just had Renaissance Woodworker T-shirts to identify my looney readers/listeners! Hmmmm…

Anyway, drop me a line and let me know if any of you will be attending the show.

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I really like your website, I heard your pod cast on Matt’s Basement Workshop, good job. I have just started turning pens after doing the traditional woodworking for many years, you said on the pod cast that you can find some really nice wood for a cheap price since you don’t need must to turn pens, I agree.

Keep up the good work.


I use to keep a cotton towel or or plain cotton sheet over my tools in the summer. it all but stopped the surface rust on my tools in the humid summers here in Ohio.