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Matt’s Basement Workshop Guest Host: My first podcast!!

A few months ago I started talking with Matt Vanderlist over at Matt’s Basement Workshop. Matt was taking the month of July off and he told his listners that anyone who wanted to do a show would be welcome. Well, the rest is history. Take a listen and let me know what you think. Matt is bugging me to do more or start my own show. What do you think? Am I rambling here or do I have something worth talking about?

Thanks again to Matt for this opportunity and for the great introduction.

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I really like your website, I heard your pod cast on Matt’s Basement Workshop, good job. I have just started turning pens after doing the traditional woodworking for many years, you said on the pod cast that you can find some really nice wood for a cheap price since you don’t need must to turn pens, I agree.

Keep up the good work.


I use to keep a cotton towel or or plain cotton sheet over my tools in the summer. it all but stopped the surface rust on my tools in the humid summers here in Ohio.