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My Hand Saw Nest

Optimize Your Saws for Your Projects

I do love saws.  I have a lot of them too.  But honestly I have a lot less today than I had 4 or 5 years ago.  Over time I have optimized my saw nest to address very specific issues that came up again and again in my projects.  I got rid of the duplicate saws or customized their geometry to solve a problem.  Today I can honestly say that every saw gets used and nothing just sits and collects dust. 

Tiny changes in pitch may not seem like a big deal but when you work with a variety of board thicknesses or seek better quality cuts and precision straight off the saw, it can be a big deal.  For rip saws, mostly what I tweak is the pitch.  In crosscuts pitch is still the biggest factor but there I play with fleam a bit more to create a cleaner cut.   

Here is My Hand Saw Nest

  • 3-4 ppi (progressive pitch) Rip Saw
  • 2, 5 ppi Rip saws (one with thumbhole grip)
  • 6 ppi Rip saw
  • 8 ppi Rip Saw
  • 12 ppi Rip Panel Saw
  • 6 ppi Crosscut Saw
  • 8 ppi, 15 degrees fleam Crosscut Saw
  • 8 ppi, 20 degrees fleam Crosscut Saw
  • 10 ppi, 25 degrees fleam  Crosscut Saw
  • 12 ppi Crosscut Panel Saw

Learn More in The Hand Tool School

At last count I have at least 15 videos dedicated to sawing technique and 8 videos on buying saws and saw tooth geometry in The Hand Tool School.  Needless to say, sawing is an important skill and if you want to improve and learn more, its all part of membership. 

So I have a deal: use "rwwlive" to save 10% at The Hand Tool School

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