Episode # 85 Queen Anne Table Part 1
Today I start a new project series. I’ll be posting in parallel to The Wood Whisperer Community in the Guild area as well because this is a project I am building along with my fellow Guild members. This is part of the much touted Woodworkers Fighting Cancer effort. Today I introduce my design and discuss the simplicity of the original form and how you can alter it slightly to achieve very different stylistic results. I’ll wrap up the episode with a look at stock prep the old fashioned way. Check your power tools at the door because this build is going to be done with sweat power only.
Dana wrote me and brought to my attention a great article in Fine Woodworking by Will Neptune called “Engineering a Table with Drawers”. This is a much more detailed look at the construction methods that are common among all pieces of this form. In fact he leads out by saying “there is a Shaker table hidden in every table with drawers”. Membership to the Fine Woodworking site is required to read the full article but you can check it out here. Thanks for the tip Dana!