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RWW 45: Roubo Leg Vise Nut Installation

Leg Vise, Nut, Roubo, WorkbenchWelcome to more Roubo goodness. I celebrated the start of the Tour de France this weekend by working on my French workbench. Oh yeah and there were some fireworks about some kind of Independence day celebration too. LOL. This week I turned my attention back to the legs and began work on my leg vise. Basically I want to do everything I can to the legs before I install them on the bench before they become permanent and hard to get to and move around.

So call the Guinness Book people because I cut the largest mortise I have ever seen in this episode!

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Looking good man! That Festool vac just eats up those chips doesn’t it?

This episode really does a great job in showing how the modern woodworker can benefit from the use of both power tools and hand tools. Nice fit on that nut! Keep it up!

Bob Rozaieski

Great job Shannon! So often in our craft I think the hardest part of a task or project is just convincing ourselves that we can do it. Confidence in our abilities to take on complex operations is a big part of building our skill as craftsmen. Once we have the confidence to take on a task, it makes thinking through and executing the process that much easier. This episode is a great demonstration of this!

The bench is coming along nicely. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!



Marc, what can I say, I had Festool envy from watching your show and had to get that monkey off my back.

Bob, I can’t wait to see how this bench comes out either. It is definately a labor of love and the largest project I have undertaken.


I know this is done and dusted, but I’m just getting caught up with your videos after finding you last week. Is there any reason that you couldn’t have hogged out most of the material with your largest Forstner bit and then cleaned it up with the router? That seems like it would’ve been easier to do.

I’m really enjoying all the videos and hopefully I’ll be caught by the end of the year.


    Not really Greg, though my cordless drill isn’t nearly powerful enough and it would not have fit on my drill press table.