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RWW #3: Turning Tool Exercises…

In this week’s episode I pull out the jump rope and barbells and do some turning tool exercises. These exercises are designed to give the new turner a feel for the major tools. I focus primarily on spindle tools today as faceplate turning with bowl gouges should really be a topic for it’s own podcast. The tools I discuss are:

  • Roughing Gouge
  • Parting Tool
  • Spindle Gouge
  • Skew Chisel

So everyone get out your tools and try out these exercises. You’ll be surprised just how much fun you can have without actually making anything. Play around and send me some pictures of your practice pieces. Don’t forget your faceplate and don’t set up a camera right next to you. You will be surprise just how much easier it is without a tripod to bump into!

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Hey Shannon………………that was an excellent intro into spindle turning. I liked how you emphasized bowl (vessel) and face plate turning being its own discipline. The lathe is one of my favorite tools. The best part is bundling up in your dust and hearing protection, then getting lost in finding shape. Time goes fast, your mind wonders, and the home shop can produce a finished project in a weekend……I hate to use that reference of “Build a project in a weekend”, but the lathe truely allows that statement to work. It can bail you out of many gift occasions.

Very cool topic you’re working………Neil