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Safety Week 2011: Shavings Can Be Slippery

Woodworker's Safety WeekThe Hand Tool shop can be a dangerous place. Mainly because the woodworker is not as vigilant, thinking that everything is safer. There are sharp tools no doubt but they are not spinning and reciprocating so we feel more at ease.  Well, watch your step because those shavings can be slippery.

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Not to mention that those pieces that pop out when cutting dovetails can roll underfoot or cause you to twist your ankle!


    Those little pieces always get me. Then they bite again when I lose them in the shavings and they get sucked into the dust collector making a god awful racket as they hit the fan.

Miles King

Not to mention, if you drop your joint on the pile of shavings you could start a fire!


Nice point about the shavings. Apparently they don’t like us as much as we like them.