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The Shave Pony

11 years ago

I have wanted to build a shave horse for some time but I just cannot justify the space it would occupy in my small shop. So a compromise is in order that I call the shave pony. This is basically a bench top shaving horse.
This will be a great stop gap solution until I can make a more complete shave horse.

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Mitch Wilson

Will this receive Mike Dunbar’s approval?


    Doubtful, obviously he has built more Windsors than most folks so you have to respect his opinion but I don’t know how he does it. Just rounding stock for the pole lathe made me built this. I could not imagine building an entire Windsor without a shave horse.


That’s a nice workaround for the short term. However, you might not need to construct a shave horse. But, I guess that depends on if you concur with Mike Dunbar or not. See link below.


    Dean this is exactly what Mitch is referring to in the comments below. Call me nostalgic but I like using a shavehorse and it suits my idiom better than standing at a front vise to shave spindles. Maybe once I have built as many chairs as Mike I’ll think differently but seeing as I have only built 3 of them so far, I’m still loving the shave horse.

Joel Jacobson

May I make a couple of suggestions that may enhance your draw knife techniques –

1) Try using the draw knife with the bevel up. That can eliminate its tendency to dig in.

2) Rather than pull the draw knife straight back, use a slicing motion – pulling the blade to the side as you cut.

I hope you find this useful.


Joel Jacobson

Correction! I meant with the bevel DOWN … Sorry



    I couldn’t agree more. I don’t really worry about skewing when just roughing a blank for the lathe. Watch again and look closely, you will see the bevel is down


Hey Shannon,

What about a piece of leather on the lower face of the clamp block ?

Just a though.


    Absolutely, I have worked with several shave horses that employ that and all my vises do the same. I don’t have any leather on hand right now or I would have already done it.


The top piece which holds the workpiece could probably be a or 1 1/2″ or 2″square instead of a board. That would expose more of the piece you are drawknifing and the clamping pressure really only occurs in that one spot anyhow – and the rest of your board really isn’t accomplishing much. If you cut the notch into the square then it’ll hold round pieces.
You could even have a variety of clamping shapes for different pieces and interchange them as needed.

Nice idea. I just find the height to be a bit awkward. I like the workpiece lower down.