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Shop Update for 2/10/17: Planing an Assembled Case

Clamps Slip, Use a Stop…and Wax, Lots of Wax

If the secret to a good finish is preparation then the next question becomes, “how do prepare this fully assembled piece of furniture?”. Finish preparation isn’t necessarily saved until the end of a project but rather I prefer to think about it before I permanently glue or join one piece to another. That may not always be the case but the sooner I start thinking about it the better my chances are for getting good results.

Want Some Smoothing Planing Tips?

I’ve written/talked about smooth planing and controlling tear out many times over the years and you can find many posts here on my site, but here are some suggestions:

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I really like your website, I heard your pod cast on Matt’s Basement Workshop, good job. I have just started turning pens after doing the traditional woodworking for many years, you said on the pod cast that you can find some really nice wood for a cheap price since you don’t need must to turn pens, I agree.

Keep up the good work.


I use to keep a cotton towel or or plain cotton sheet over my tools in the summer. it all but stopped the surface rust on my tools in the humid summers here in Ohio.