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RWW 168 The Tool Tote

11 years ago

Woodwright Shop fans unite and grab your tool tote for the trek in the wood to the shop. What you don’t have a tool tote? Then this video is for you. Plus I detail a stupid simple method of making compound but joints by hand. No angle charts or compound miter saws necessary.

As usual, no electrons were harmed in the making of this project.

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What happened to the mobile workbench you had in episode 159?

I really liked that design and it seems like it would be even more functional than this.


    Look in the background under the late while I’m resawing and you will see the mobile workbench. It works great and I still use it but this is another option especially when not as many tools are need…and its fun to make.


      understood. I was afraid the mobile workbench had presented some problems that made it unworthy.
      You are right, these totes are very handy for the quick grab and your construction here makes it very simple. Thanks again, Shannon.


Did you do something different with you sound or presentation. It seemed to flow and sound better. Whatever it is keep it up 😉

Jamie Bacon

Nice video. I’d never thought about making the side against your body square. That makes a lot of sense.

Mason Chumpia

Sweet project. The tote seems really spacious and useful for bringing tools between my remote workshop and home. Looking forward to building one for myself!


    Do you have to walk along railroad tracks, cross rivers and spacious fields? 🙂 I hope you will share some pictures when you make one yourself.

Chuck Melton

Great video as always Shannon.

Ever think about taking the hand tool school live? Trying to find a joinery class around Baltimore is proving to be a challenge.


    The topic has come up before Chuck but it was always cost prohibitive with insurance and the fact that my shop is so small. I did teach at Woodcraft before it closed. Swing by a live session the 3rd Tuesday of every month and ask away. I’m happy to help especially if you have a specific issue.


Thanks for posting this–the video is really helpful. This is my first time doing anything with compound angles. I still can’t wrap my brain around what is happening, but I can follow your method for getting the angle. On the Woodwrights Shop episode where he makes this (season 14), he doesn’t mention the angles! (There is a bit in his book.) Anyway, I have been wanting to make this project for a long time, so I’m on my way….