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RWW # 21: Turning A Bottle Stopper

This week I give you one more small project idea for really, really late Christmas gifts. I turn this bottle stopper out of Zebrawood using a Penn State bottle stopper chuck. I mention some of my booty from Christmas and announce a new special feature for the podcast.

The blog of the week is The Timber Kid at

The book on Japanese Joinery is:

The Art of Japanese Joinery

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Thanks for making me blog of the week! The bottle stopper looks great. you pronounced my name like all americans do, but thats ok:)


Larry Marshall

Another great podcast. I particularly liked your cedar shavings idea. Will gleefully steal that one from you. Martha rules!

Cheers — Larry



That is exactly how I turn the tops for my joysticks. I like the idea of the ceder shavings in the box. Some people may not like your Martha imitation. I like the presentation of this gift and may use it myself in the future.


Mark Mazzo

Hey Shannon,

Nice job on the stopper and a nice touch with the cedar shavings!

I’m will be very interested in the segments on the Northwest Woodworking Studio distance program. That’s something that has interested me as well – distance between me and the studio being the only factor because there are several treks to the studio each year along with the pieces you design and make. Do you know from how far away the apprentice is working?

Keep up the good work. I’ll be watching!

The Craftsman’s Path