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RWW 126 Turning a Pepper Mill

Just in time for Christmas, I’m sneaking this episode in to show you one of the projects I made at the lathe this year.  These little mills don’t require a lot of stock and you can shape them to any form you wish.  It makes for a fun project that you can complete in under an hour.  Perfect for the elf who is a bit behind on his quota.

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Nick Roulleau (@MansFineFurn)

Hey Shannon,

I think you’ve sold me on EWT, since it sounds like we’re the same kind of turner (that is, gifts and necessity turning for furniture)

One question: the expanding rubber chuck – is that just the same as some of those cheap drill press sanding drum kits come with? If so, I think this is a better use of them than sanding.
Good video, as always!

Happy Holidays,


    That’s great Nick, I love mine. Just got the hollowing set too and looking forward to playing around with some vessels. The chuck is the same thing. The sanding drums I have used before had the nut on the end of the barrel rather than below it by the shank but it wouldn’t matter in this case.


Beautiful work Shannon! After watching your video, I’m sorely tempted to take up woodturning.


Thanks for posting this!! The hubby actually paid for a private class at the local Woodcraft but the instructor did not do a good job teaching him. He couldn’t even finish the project and the instructor messed up the top.This video will be great for him to watch and redo another one…need to get the pepper mill finished for our daughter…3…she requested one for Christmas 🙂


Thanks for putting this video together. It’s well done, and easy to understand. I think there are a few peppermills in my future!

Lukasz Budzynski

Hi Shannon!

I have a question about the speed of the lathe You used while doing this project. What was it and was it constant from square to finish…or did You increase the speed during progress?

Take care,


    Wow, I don’t remember. If I were to do it today I would probably set it around 1200 rpm and leave it the whole time. This is mainly because I don’t have a variable speed lathe and am too lazy to stop midway through and change the belts. Technically I could speed it up once round.