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When is design overkill?

Thoughts about the design of the interior of furniture pieces specifically case pieces. When does our engineering become overkill? Is it just a measure of craftsmanship to overbuild the structure of something?Listen!

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Mark Mazzo


Interesting question. I guess in reality non of it is really overkill for a well designed piece that you want to function for many, many years without issue. What size stock may be another thing.

I think that the dust panels are more of a convenience thing (to keep clothes from catching on the drawer above, etc). However, one thing I can attest to from experience is a stout back on a case piece.

One of the very early pieces I made (from a design in a magazine) was a bookcase with double doors. The back was a 1/4″ piece of ply, nailed into a rabbet. Well, without a more substantial back, that piece will rack when it sits on an uneven floor.

The Craftsman’s Path