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RWW 57: WIA Greene & Greene

By far my favorite seminar at the WIA Design conference in St Charles. Jim Ipekjian has hands on experience working with the original masterworks of the Greenes and the Halls. Enjoy this slide show type presentation!

A big thanks goes out to the Popular Woodworking folks for putting on this show and sponsoring my trip. I hope to see many of you in Valley Forge for the Hand tools and Techniques conference. If the presenters are even half as good (and I know they are) as the ones for the St. Charles show then everyone is in for a treat. Beside, remember all the praising of Chuck Bender I did in previous episodes? Chuck will be there teaching us about inlay and stringing!

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Shannon……….that was wonderful. Lots of solid information presented much like Greene and Greene; in a very stylish way.

The pictures we’re perfect in the dialog and the discussion of the need for handtools as elements were subtly added was terrific.

So curious to see what comes out of this conference.