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RWW 56: WIA Robert Lang, Arts and Crafts and SketchUp

Bob Lang was particularly busy seeing as he was the only presenter who had two different seminars running at WIA, that along with playing “host” as a staff member from Popular Woodworking it was amazing he was still walking about by the end of the weekend.

Bob’s Arts & Crafts seminar was a historical who’s who of the style. Here are some of the names I threw out in the podcast along with some great sites that speak about the influences and social movement ideas

English Arts & Crafts: father of the movement are John Ruskin and William Morris

lesser known in the Urban style

CFA Voysey

CR Ashbee

Mackay Hugh Baillie-Scott

In the rural “Cotswold” style

Ernest Gimson make sure to check otu the virtual museum for some great pics as well as the craftsman videos.

Sidney and Edward Barnsley I had more trouble finding information on Barnsley but I found this interesting book review

Then we cross the pond and look at the somewhat simpler, less elaborate American Arts & Crafts movement.

Take a journey into the Craftsman to learn about the social aspects of the movement

Check out Gus’s work prior to studying in England. Very Art Nouveau and French inspired

Now take a look at his work after getting inspired by William Morris and catching the Arts & Crafts bug. Also think about the Tabouret tables of his later career and compare it to the early table above.


You can see the simpler lines and less ornamentation that is typical of American Arts & Crafts furniture. Harvey Ellis is credited with adding curves to Stickley’s work but I urge you to check out the Craftsman because the large number of Ellis’ illustrations adorn the pages.

Also check out Bob Lang’s site for more info on Arts & Crafts and to keep tabs on the release of his upcoming Sketchup DVD/Book

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Hey Shannon………that was pretty interesting.

Two mentions struck me:

1. that the pastoral/bucolic community format failed in both the US and UK. The Ashbee guy who’s piece you show, had his “Guild of Handicraft “attempt end in disaster after 5 years and

2. how the revival has lasted longer that the period. This is a cool and interesting point you bring up. I’m not sure where the revival is though, is it Striesand buying Southerbey’s auctioned pieces as defining the revival or is it that the home shop doesn’t have to worry about commercial viablity and can build in an invisioned wide-eyed idealistic style outside of reality.

That “Cotswolds style” needs some further investigation…… the US we say Wharton Esherick is the father of studio furniture, but in the UK you’d be hard pressed to see Esherick mentioned ahead of Sidney Barnsley.

Brought back some past for me, very enjoyable Shannon THANKS!!!!……..Neil