Could you provide any additional details related to the presenters dislike of moving filister planes? I have been tempted to buy one in the future. I have heard that Clark & Williams made one, but no pictures of it appear on their website. Thanks.
Don McConnell was the individual that said he doesn’t like filister planes. He stated that the fences continually move on him and it is a lot of work to set the fence perpendicular to the blade. Granted he works with a lot of vintage planes. One method he showed up to avoid this is by using a Snipes-Bill plane that can register in the actual marking gauge lines and run off of that instead of relying on an unsteady fence. The other aspect that Don does not like about filisters is the often skewed aspect of blade. He stated that if he were to use a filister that he would want a square edge blade instead for easier maintenance as well as ease of use in both directions since the skew wants to pull the plane in one direction.
Renaissance Wood Whisperer? Merging sites or just a little early in the morning?
Dave, LOL that is too funny. If you can’t hear it in the pitch of my voice, yes it is early in the morning after a long fun night of loud talking. I promise only 1 beer was imbibed, it was just a raucous night when you get all those crazy bloggers together. Do you want to break the news to Marc or should I do it?