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Wood Talk Online Radio 101

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Welcome to episode 101 of Wood Talk Online Radio. In this episode Marc, Matt, and I talk about:

What’s On the Bench

Matt: photo boxes in the new shop layout
Marc: new shop build and David Marks new DVD
Shannon: finishing Corner Cabinet

What inspires you when you face woodworking stagnation?

Around the Web

Greg DiMarzio sent in this link

David Marks new marquetry DVD  $34.95

Sent in by Vic Hubbard
Create-your-own Video Contest
The first prize winner will be sitting on a huge shop of new DeWalt 20V power tools

Viewer Questions

from James AKA Walnutweasel:  Glue up or solid wood for a 2 3/4″ leg?

Finally, I throw out an invitation for anyone interested in volunteering at the Steppingstone Museum‘s woodworking shop.  As the new shop master I’m looking for new folks to come help me play with all the old tools and to educate the masses on the arts and mysteries of hand tool woodworking.  Let me know if you are interested and want to learn more.

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