Wood Talk Online Radio 103: FWW Live and IWF Recap
Today on Wood Talk Online Radio we have two special guests joining Marc, Matt, and Shannon. Dave Campbell, Deputy Editor of Wood Magazine, stops by to talk about new tools he saw at IWF in Atlanta, and Rob Bois, Bad Axe Tenon saw winner, fills us in on his experience at Fine Woodworking Live.
Dave has written several blog posts about some of the cool stuff they saw at the show and tools we talk about during the podcast.
IWF Day One
IWF Day Two
IWF Day Three
Call me a gizmo guy, but that Mixing Mate by Rockler looks pretty cool. **Affiliate link**
Of course, some of those new PM-V11 plane blades by Veritas would be fun to try too. We didn’t talk about it on the show, but check out Lee Valley’s new String Inlay system. Price point is impressive as usual.
Fine Woodworking Live
Rob shared some interesting thoughts about Fine Woodworking Live and it was good to hear since none of us could attend. Make sure you check out his interview with Asa Christiana over at the Modern Woodworkers Association website. Stay tuned til the end of the show for more thoughts on Fine Woodworking Live by Dyami Plotke.
Enjoy the show!
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