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Wood Talk Online # 71


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Glen Drake dovetail saw
Project Bucket List

Around the Web:
The Woodshop Widget
iPod/iPhone/iPad App
Alison Heath’s Workbench Marketing

Bart – Wood vs metal planes. Opinions on Power planes.
Dyami- Tablesaw adjustment mechanism.

Sweet Deals:
Noden Inlay Razor Kit: Normally priced at $249.00, the Noden Inlay Razor is available for special introductory pricing of $199.00.
Woodcraft – spend $75 or more, get a free knife code 62610
Highland Woodworking – 192900 Earlex HV2900 HVLP Sprayer w/ a free copy of Jeff Jewitt’s Spray Finishing Made Simple Book & DVD $149.99

Tip Clips:
Tom’s Tip – Get a Wedgie!
See more from Tom at
Kari’s tip – Carpet Tape
Enjoy more of Kari’s work at

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speaking of woodworking videos on youtube, have you guys seen Curtis Buchanan’s Windsor Chair project?


I would suggest looking at the Milwaukee m12 drill/driver. I got one about 2 years ago and LOVE it. My older Milwaukee drills still are holding up great so I expect that this one will too. However it is so much better because it is smaller and lighter than the older drills.

Sure – you can get bigger more powerful drills but for 90+% of what I use it for this works great.