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Wood Talk Online 81

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On today’s show we’ll be discussing bad April Fools Jokes, what saws a beginning woodworker really needs, how to tune up an old hand plane, as well as a butt load of content from the magazines, blogs, and forums.

Email us at or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline. You can find all three of us on Twitter as @renaissanceWW, @WoodWhisperer or @MBWPodcast .

What’s on the Bench

Shannon – tool cabinet, restoring Toothing planes
Matt – prepping for large shelving build and playing with spokeshaves
Marc – Cabinet assembly, lumber rack, “me” time.

Magazine RoundUp

American Woodworker: Compound Dovetails
Popular Woodworking April 2011: “Separated at Birth?”
WOOD Magazine May 2011: “Make Your Grinder Greater”

From the Forum

What a Difference a Year Makes
Plane For Thicknessing
Board Foot vs Individual Boards

Around the Web

#Woodchat on Twitter, Wednesday nights at 9pm Eastern
American Craftsman Project– sent in from Daniel Russell
Win some free stuff from!
Lie Nielsen Hand Tool Event at Popular Woodworking April 15th and 16th
Mafell Panel Saw – Hands-Free Woodworking?
New MD chapter of SAPFM forming, first meeting this Saturday 4/9 in Rockville with Kaare Loftheim as guest speaker. is putting out some new content?
Steve Shaunessey steps down as editor of Pop Wood to build stuff

Common Task Quiz

Squaring front apron of workbench
Transporting large sheets of plywood
Transporting solid wood lumber


Apparently we answered this same question last week. Oops!
Ty Allan writes:
I am a new woodworker and am branching out into the hand tools. I currently have no hand saws and am looking to buy some. Lee Valley has nice sets in my price range, but I need some help because they all look the same to me.

Steven Kiser writes in with some tips he learned after diving into the world of hand tools:
– Always apply some wax to the bottom of the plane…SO much better
– Position the wood closer to the edge of the table. This will make it much easier to follow through on the stroke.
– Alter the weight distribution during the stroke, so that it starts in the toe and ends in the heel (back).
– Make the cuts more consistent when pushing the plane. I noticed that it is easy to move off the standard patch
– A wider mouth will give you a thicker cut – which may not be what you want.
– If you dial down the iron too much, you basically just made a chisel out of your plane.
– It is much harder than it looks, but it is not that tough


How to restore hand planes.

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