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Wood Talk Online 93

Wood Talk OnlineHave a question or topic suggestion? Email Us or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.  Let’s get on with the shop talk.

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What’s on the bench?

Shannon: finished the Queen Anne side table, small bedside stand for wife, Shaker clock for HTS
Matt: Broken closet door and a Hock Smoother
Marc: Finishing touches and some product reviews (Domino XL, ClearVue CV06)

Around the Web:

Paul Sellers on YouTube
Doucette and Wolfe YouTube channel for great project videos
Fine Woodworking Shop Talk Live new podcast now in iTunes!
The William Ng School video collection!
Bonus footage of Roy Underhill on the Highland Woodworker
Bernoulli Shell Clamp
The apprentice and the journeyman “Poorboy parallel clamps”


Is a Festool drill really worth the money?
The many specializations involved in running a wood shop.

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speaking of woodworking videos on youtube, have you guys seen Curtis Buchanan’s Windsor Chair project?


I would suggest looking at the Milwaukee m12 drill/driver. I got one about 2 years ago and LOVE it. My older Milwaukee drills still are holding up great so I expect that this one will too. However it is so much better because it is smaller and lighter than the older drills.

Sure – you can get bigger more powerful drills but for 90+% of what I use it for this works great.