Wood Talk Online Radio 102
On today’s show, we’re going to share some great links from around the web and we’ll answer a bunch of your emails. If you have a question you can SKYPE us at Woodtalkonline, call (623) 242-5180, or finally email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com
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What’s on the bench?
Shannon: wrapped up the latest semester of The Hand Tool School and is packing for a week class at The Woodwright’s School
Matt: attempted to sharpen my own saw…not bad result.
Marc: Paul Schurch interview, 400 amp service
Around the Web
- Release of Bob Lang’s new compilation of Craftsman Furniture Shop Drawings. Table of content sneak peek-
- IWF 2012 Education schedule – CMA CERTIFICATION Courses being offered
- Lie-Nielsen FACEBOOK page, Roy Underhill’s custom single-stroke dovetail saw – “Our saw maker, Patrick, faced the formidable task of hand sharpening 450 saw teeth.” 30” long, 15ppi
Listener Emails:
- Seth wants to know how to create an antique looking finish
- Greg is having trouble with gappy hand cut dovetails
- Kevin is getting chipping and tearout on plywood with a router
- Shannon’s article on plywood pricing and grading