Wood Talk Online Radio 96
In this episode Marc, Matt, and I share our shop scares and injury stories as a precursor to Woodworker’s Safety Week, we talk leg vises, and high angle smoothing planes.
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And especially on the forum at WoodTalkOnline.com!
Around the Web
–Microjig Dado splitter
-Glen Huey visiting the Michigan Woodworkers’ Guild May 19, 2012 http://www.miwoodguild.webs.com
–Popular Woodworking is publishing The Woodwright Shop seasons 1-3 and 20 on DVD and in Shop Class On Demand
Listener Emails
Mark Jacobs: leg vise parallel guide above or below on a workbench
Adam Weigand: is a high angle frog okay for everyday smooth planing
Dyami – Router safety reminder